Performance and Engagement for the food industry
Founded on family traditions, Pujolàs boasts a deep-rooted history in the meat industry. At the heart of their ethos lies a dedication to customers, striving to cater to their specific needs efficiently and productively. With more than 35 years under their belt, Pujolàs blends innovation with their extensive expertise. As a result, their equipment manages to mimic the artisanal approach. Yet, while doing so, it maintains high-quality standards and amplifies profits. Every step they take prioritizes simplicity and effectiveness, ensuring that the legacy of Pujolàs continues to thrive in modern times.
More information on: pujolas.com

Stuffing and Clipping Machines
This device effortlessly stuffs a variety of products, eliminating the need for positioning before the process.
This efficient loader automates the stuffing procedure. There's no need to manually insert the meat piece as it consistently feeds the stuffing machine.
Stuffing Machine:
Acting as the heart of the shaping process, the stuffing machine uses an upper mold, a lower mold, and a pusher to craft the product's form. It then places the product into a net or casing. Impressively, it handles calibers ranging from Ø 70 to Ø 220.
Tensing - Clipping Machine:
After shaping, this machine steps in to secure the product. It attaches clips on both ends, and if needed, it can also add a cord. What's more, it boasts an automated tension and clipping system, streamlining the process.

Meat Presses
Introducing a revolutionary, fully automated 3D forming press designed to meet the stringent hygiene and productivity demands of modern meat businesses. This cutting-edge press features automatic in-line loading and unloading, ensuring minimal product handling and optimizing efficiency.